First aid -- There is a first aid kit and A.E.D. (automatic external defibrillator) in the clubhouse. You can also ask a coach.
Lights -- All courts have LED lights. Lights come on automatically when 3 conditions are met:
There is a booking for the court
The PIN for that booking has been entered at the gate
The light sensor judges that it is dark enough to need lights
Booking PIN -- Enter the PIN then press #, even if the gate is already unlocked.
It can take some minutes for the gate to learn about a new booking.
The booking PIN starts working 15 minutes before the time of the booking.
Parking -- Limited parking is available in Athenaeum Way.
24 × 1P (8am-5pm Mon-Sat) permit area -- RED lines
Members and visiting teams can park for longer by displaying a parking permit on their dashboard; visiting teams can ask the home captain for parking permits22 × 3P (8am-5pm Mon-Sat) -- WHITE lines
Please don't park in the church car park.
Clubhouse -- The clubhouse has room for about 100 people, a kitchen, bathrooms, and a table-tennis table. The clubhouse is typically open when competitions are on: most weekends; most evenings Mon-Thur; some weekday mornings.
Adult members can apply for a digital key on their mobile phone to access the clubhouse -- by agreeing to keep the clubhouse clean and secure. This includes: washing, drying, and putting away cups & dishes; vacuuming the carpet (a vacuum is in the cupboard); ensuring all doors are locked. Issuing or revoking a digital key is at the discretion of the committee.
A digital key will work on most modern mobile phones. After applying, you will receive "Your invitation to BU163 Doncaster Tennis" by email (check your spam folder if necessary). The process requires creating an account at SaltoKS.com and installing the Salto KS app on your phone. You will need to set a password (≥ 8 characters, including a digit, uppercase letter and symbol), provide a phone number, choose a 2nd authentication factor (eg SMS), enter a 6-digit one-time code sent to your phone, and a 6-digit one-time code sent to your email, record a 16-character recovery code (eg copy it to a password manager), then download the mobile app. You will need to login to the app with your email + password, and a 6-digit one-time code.
Thankfully, unlocking the door with your digital key is easier than the application process. Open the app; tap "Use Digital Key", and tap the phone on lock. In a couple of seconds the lock will flash and you will hear it unlock. The door locks shortly afterwards. Some people will be able to set the door to stay unlocked ("office mode"); or unlock it remotely.
The digital key only works on the clubhouse door in the alcove facing court 3. You don't need to have a court booking for the digital key to work, but you do need to get through the gate to get to the clubhouse door, and gate access is typically with a court booking PIN.
Committee -- A volunteer committee of management looks after the club. The committee meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:30pm in the clubhouse (Monday after the Melbourne Cup in November, and not in January).
By-laws -- members are obliged to conform to the club By-laws (also knows as the Rules of the Association).
Long-term injury -- a member may request that their membership be paused for up to 6 months if they suffer an medical injury that will prevent them playing for 3 months or more. Send a request to the membership secretary.
Bin duty -- Each month one person is responsible for a few tasks (approximately fortnightly):
Empty the little black bins from each court (none on 4 or 10) into a wheelie bin
Empty the 4 small wheelie bins into the large wheelie bin (red lid) by the entrance; the small wheelie bins live: near the cool water fountain, beside pathways near courts 9, 11, & 6
Sweep leaves from all pathways, putting them into garden waste wheelie bins (green lid)
Clear the top of grates over drains (near courts 1, 7, etc); and remove any litter on courts and around the premises
Vicky (coach) has kindly offered to remove leaves from court 12. There is a rake, leaf scoops, and a garden waste bin on court 12.